Green Cardamoms Whole 100g

Green Cardamoms Whole 100g

Aromatic green cardamoms gives aroma to your Indian cooking.

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  • Green Cardamoms
  • Whole Spices
  • 100g
  • Spices

Often seen as a tea ingredient, you can also use Cardamom Pods Green on all your desired cooking needs. Due to its high aromatic scent, most food enthusiasts use Cardamom Pods Green to make meals really sweet smelling. Put some Cardamom Pods Green the next time you cook shrimp, squid, clams and seaweeds and neutralise the odours of the food easy and effective. You can also use Cardamom Pods Green to uplift the smell of your meals making it not just tasty but appetizing. Why eat boring meals when you can create highly aromatic dishes easy and effective? Use Cardamom Pods Green and make foods smell like heaven!


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